A Pedagogue's Progress
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Going it alone

Running multiple blogs is bound to get tricky at times, but I figure that the distinction between A Pedagogue's Progress and The Dartmouth Observer is pretty clear (see sidebar). The former will serve as a place for personal (though never that personal) thoughts and commentary on Singaporean issues, while the latter is more impersonal and international in outlook.

Cross-posting and cross-referencing will, however, take place. I started blogging when I was in the US; my exemplars were the likes of Andrew Sullivan, Christopher Hitchens (who, although not a blogger, is more prolific than most bloggers), and the gentlemen at Oxblog: writers whose interests span politics, current affairs, history, religion, literature, and philosophy, and transcend the confines of time and place. By contrast, the Singaporean blogosphere comes across as rather provincial; even its most perceptive writers tend to limit themselves, for the most part, to local affairs. There's nothing wrong with that, of course. But we have the ability to go beyond talking about the PAP and the vicissitudes of life in Singapore, and it's my considered opinion that we should move in that direction.


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