A Pedagogue's Progress
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Les Belles Lettres

Readers of Dartobserver (why do I even assume that anyone's actually reading this?) will know that I'm a huge fan of Arts & Letters Daily, which sizzles and hums with more intelligence than most of the Internet put together. Today, for instance, you'll find a link to this Slate article, which talks about an intriguing research paper on European colonisation and economic growth by two Dartmouth economists. And if you scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page, you'll find on the left-hand column links to some truly seminal essays (a list which I wish the editors would update more often), including Orwell on the English language, Fukuyama on the End of History, and Andrew Delbanco on the decline of literary criticism (I'm not providing the links; explore the page and find them yourself!). I actually cited the Delbanco essay in my very first post on Dartobserver, more than four years ago.


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