A Pedagogue's Progress
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
It's coming!

The students, predictably, are not looking forward to History on Friday. Three hours, four essays. Precious little room for faffing -- get in, dissect question in 5 min or less, then write for 40 min for 3-4 pages. Stop, rinse, repeat -- that is, if the finger cramps don't get to you first. From what I recall, the cramps go away after a while. Make sure to warm up before hand.

The good news is that it's nigh impossible to fail History if you've put in the requisite amount of work -- which, to be fair, is quite a lot -- and interpret the question correctly. Simply regurgitating previously learnt material on the essay topic (as opposed to the question), for instance, usually gets you 14-15. Four 15s will get you a 60, which is a B. To fail, you'll need to score 10s and 11s. That's really, really hard.

Friday is also when the marking starts. I have just about two weeks to get through 300 or so essays. Time to get those red pen refills. I reckon five refills ought to last the course.


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