A Pedagogue's Progress
Saturday, November 21, 2009

Although you'll probably never guess this, I've always found writing difficult, probably because I don't like re-writing (which all style guides recommend) and am a perfectionist when it comes to my own prose. I often end up agonising over individual words, getting distracted by something else, and then returning to the original piece of writing with my train of thought lost.

I do find, however, that writing comes more easily to me when I've been writing a lot; it's a bit like warming up before you go for a run. Take this blog post, for instance. The final product doesn't do justice to how rapidly it was composed (by my standards). This is probably because I've been writing testimonials for the past week or so. They have been a pain to write because of all the artificial constraints imposed upon them. The Testimonial is a very very very minor literary form, although slightly higher in my estimation than the Official Bureaucratic Response ("Dear sir, we thank you for your feedback...").

Now that I've distracted myself with this little post -- the first in ages -- I shall return to testimonial writing, in the hope of getting all done by Monday.


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